Friday, January 12, 2007


Well I got tedinitisin knee again. Last year I got it in Febuary and had to take 3 weeks off the bike, everytime I would try to ride it would hurt about 20 minutes into my ride last year. its in a different spot so hopefully it isn't going to last as long. I have been icing it and taking ibuprofen and I wear a brace for it so hopefully that helps it fast and i can start training hard soon. I am suppose to be going to Mesquite next week for a week and I am hoping that the knee is better before then.


UtRider said...

Hope your knee recovers quickly.

Anonymous said...

I've had a similar problem in the springtime before. Thorough and regular stretching after rides seems to help and prevent it. Also, I don't do weights anymore (Ric Stern has me convinced). Your anterior quad might be tight from overly intensive training and a tight tendon is pushing on your patella, which in turn rubs against your knee joint. Not the same as tendinitis. Of course, I'm not a doctor and the MD's I watch on TV aren't either. :-)


sp said...

Howdy Norm! Sorry to hear 'bout the knee. I deal with some tightness almost yearly. P is correct: IRA. Ice, rest, advil. Hope it recovers well. Cheers!

Bart G said...

If you have a true patellar tendonitis that is chronic in nature then rest and eccentric training will be key in long term recovery. Contact me for details.

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